
Are you looking to start a cultural discussion around racial reconciliation at your Church, school, work or neighborhood? We can help! Check out our opportunities below. 


RESET:Cultural Conversations is a team of experts and practitioners that can speak individually or as a panel to a myriad of topics in the context of inspiring relationship, reconciliation and collaborative action among Churches, Christian organizations and businesses. RESET is able to masterfully maneuver through topics such as:

  • Cultural Awarness

  • Unconcious Bias

  • Race relations and conflict

  • Cultural Identity

  • Strategies for multi-ethnic growth

  • Gospel-centered racial reconciliation

  • Hot topics on Race

RESET can bring one of our designed discussions or create a discussion that caters to the questions and issues of your group. Either way we can insure that you will receive helpful and thought-provoking ideas for how to manage or enter into the discussion of race relations. 

Click HERE To request a speaker or panel for your church, business or organization.

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