
We envision in a world so stunned and utterly captivated by the restored tapestry that is the Body of Christ; rewoven, dazzling in the full array of color and unified in purpose, that they fall down in praise of the God who Threaded them together. 


To inspire relationships, reconciliation and collaborative action among the diverse Body of Christ


Kingdom- Oriented

The eternal vision of heaven is a multi-ethnic church (Rev. 7:9-12). Jesus leads us to pray, seek, and serve for that kingdom reality on earth now as it will be in heaven (Mt. 610; Eph. 2:14-22). That is aim of our hearts and efforts together. This group is not about a church. It is about The Church, beautiful in her diversity, united in the life of her head Jesus Christ, and more exciting and satisfying than we can imagine.

Confessional Conversations

There is no resurrection without a cross. No healing without addressing the pain. Vulnerability breeds vulnerability. So, in moving forward together the first steps must be in humility, with a willingness to confess how we have sinned in the area of race relations, and a readiness to share and listen to personal stories Christ is redeeming.

Grace Extending

The Grace of Jesus Christ has been lavished upon us. Therefore we must extend it to others as we entertain this conversation. There are no tokens at the table. Everyone is welcome, and adds meaningfully to our growing understanding. We are not all at the same point on the journey and there is nothing that makes someone want to quit like the lack of Grace. 

Compassionate and courageous contending

Everyone’s experience and contribution is valid, so we will fight to let their voice be heard and show empathy and compassion even if we do not agree with them. Compelled by the love of Jesus Christ we will suffer with, speak truth lovingly, and move into conflict and injustice for sake of others coming to know the reconciling power of Jesus Christ.

Rejoice Always

In a broken world of difficulties and divisions, the Spirit leads us to celebrate any places where the kingdom advances against the walls of racism. Things may be bad and they are certainly are not perfect but we seek to rejoice at the victories we can find and pray for the power to carry on through the defeats.